In honor of the late Judge Charles L. Elloie, judge, community organizer and passionate advocate of early voting, the Elloie family is partnering with Roni Enterprises LLC, to provide free rides on October 24th to vote early at the Smoothie King Center. If you or a family member are in need of a ride, complete the contact form below. Pick up from your home with drop off at the Smoothie King Center to participate in early voting is available on October 24, 2020 from 8am until 11am. CDC recommended masks are required to ride (masks with vents or valves and face shields without cloth face coverings underneath are prohibited). Temperatures will be screened before entering vehicle.


Greetings Manvel Texans Family. In order to ensure that the needs of our most vulnerable community members are met, The Manvel Texans Youth Football Organization is partnering with Roni Enterprises - our local Emergency Medical Transportation Provider. Our collaboration will provide free, contactless grocery, and prescription medicine delivery to elderly family members of those registered with our organization for the upcoming 2020 season. To provide these services, we ask that all qualifying family members be 60+ in age and reside within the Manvel area. If you have a loved one who would benefit from this support, please contact the number below to schedule service.

We are heartened by the stories of our community members and helping one another- from grocery shopping to checking in on each other.

Communities working together to stay safe is what will get us through this crisis, and we are here for you. If you are interested in volunteering to assist with making deliveries, please let us know. The vehicles would be provided, and you will be required to have a current driver’s license and background check prior to starting. The steps we are taking will safeguard this community and we appreciate your willingness to help.

May you and your family remain safe and healthy during this crisis.

To that end, we encourage you to identify resources also offered by the federal, state and local governments – as well as community organizations – to help you secure financial assistance, food and healthcare.